The peanut must have moved the last couple days because I had a bump most of the week and now it has gone back down. I knew it could fluctuate at the beginning due to bloat but I didn't realize I'd see this drastic of a change this late. The peanut has been very active this week and I've felt a lot more kicks. Last night I had some pretty strong kicks and a lot of kicks to my bladder; the baby has definitely moved back because they don't feel the same but some were big enough to feel it from the outside. Unfortunately by the time Greg came to feel they weren't as strong. The peanut likes his musical bunny! I feel the most kicks when I play it and put it on my stomach.
This coming week I'll be meeting another expat parent who just delivered her second son at Severance, the hospital we will be delivering at. So far she has let me know they have a new policy (different from her October 2008) experience where you pay upfront when you check in for your delivery. It will be interesting to get some more information from her regarding the hospital regulations and standards. We will also get to find out what the peanut is this week! I'm hoping the little one cooperates and is active so we get some good shots. Our last ultrasound the baby was very stubborn, stayed in one place and wasn't in the correct position both times they tried to get the measurements they needed. So keep your eyes out mid week for an update!
I met with the expat mother and she so put me at ease! The expat parent board has been upping my fears of having a child in another country but this mom gave me the play by play of how everything worked and gave me a lot of insight into my doctor. In Korea you don't really see your doctor... she refers you to other people, they do the tests they need to and send the results to her. Then you meet with her for like 5 minutes to discuss how you are feeling and the results of any tests that came back. My 17 week appointment was the first time she even touched me! She did the Doppler . I've heard she warms up around month 6 (especially because here you can have your prenatal care at another facility than the one you are delivering) so I guess she warms up to you once she knows you will be delivering with her. But it was nice to get some more inside information about how flexible she would be on some things and which items are non-negotiable hospital standards.According to, here is what will be happening during the week:
How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long
— the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.
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