I've learned more about the laws here in Korea. Previously it was illegal to tell the gender of the baby to cut back on gender driven abortions (even though abortions are illegal too, small clinics would do them for the money). Some smaller clinics would "hint" at the gender but never do the gender shots... so maybe that's why we didn't get one. As of this year the law changed; however, they cannot specifically tell you until you are in the 3rd trimester. So we got our "hint" today.... I'm also thinking since we are foreigners that they are a little more flexible. Another person who lives in our complex is Korean and her husband is American but they wouldn't tell her or even hint and she was seeing the same doctor I am. I think because Greg and I are both Americans helped us out!
We are very thrilled and I was shocked, I kept thinking it was a boy and all my family also thought boy. I know there are more cases where they say girl early on and it ends up being a boy... we didn't get the normal gender shot everyone kept posting on my other baby board so as of right now we are going with girl and we will confirm it again July 31st! Greg and I want to keep things pretty gender neutral anyway, so no going crazy with pink and barbies! We want to make sure we are not reinforcing gender stereotypes for girls and believe all kids should be able to play with cars, horses, kitchen sets, etc. without it being gender specific!
I've been trying to hold off on making some more gender specific clothing until we knew what the peanut was but now I'm so excited I can start making cute little bonnets for Lillian. I also have an adorable little baby doll pattern I've been dying to start. My bigger knitting projects will have to wait until after my masters is done....
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