Charlotte has started rolling over and we have stopped swaddling because of it. She can only roll onto her tummy right now and doesn't know how to get back over. She is quite the talker and I can tell we are getting into the depths of competition for attention. Lillian has begun screaming in a sense like Charlotte does so that leads to some fun afternoons! As you can see in the video below Charlotte often makes noise at Lillian. This video was taken the first time it happened and I wasn't sure if she enjoyed it or was angry but I figure as long as she is content in any sense then she's ok. She has had enough experience with Lillian to know if she really doesn't want her to do something then she just cries. We were out getting an ice cream treat earlier this week after dinner and Charlotte was not in the mood to be messed with (if I recall correctly she had a doctors appointment earlier in the day and had received shots). It only took Lillian leaning over her car seat before the pouty lip would come out. If Lillian touched her then she cried. So I'm learning more and more about their interactions together (although I will admit it is scary to ride it out at times.....)
During Charlotte's nap times, we have been focusing on number counting with Lillian. She can count to 20 almost on her own (the teens give her trouble and that is common with kids; they don't seem to follow patterns of the 20's, 30's and so on). We have been focusing on counting each object. Sometimes I'll pull out a muffin tin, put numbers in each one and she has to count out that many to put in the "cup". I also just got a number go fish game and we play it only from 0-5; I think the game has cards all the way up to 12. She hasn't totally gotten the concept of asking and focuses more on the match. We only play with 2 cards each and I have her lay her cards down (when we first started we all laid our cards down) and I talk her through what she has to say and how to figure out what number is on each card. With more practice I'm sure she will master 1-10 very shortly!
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