We are all adjusting well having 2 kids now instead of 1. Lillian LOVES her baby sister and asks to hold her everyday. I find I'm cuddling with Charlotte more really taking in all the little moments since I now know how short they really are. She LOVES the water and really enjoys her baths. We now have a little lounger and the girls bathe together. Charlotte is instantly calmed and practically fall asleep in the bath. Below are pictures from her second bath (the first one was a sponge bath on the floor).

Most people probably don't know the extent of the hospitals roles in the birth of your newborn... they submit paperwork for a birth certificate and for your social security number for your child. Since she was not born through the doors of the hospital they are not obligated to provide these services, rather, they give you a paper with a number to call for more information. It was a ridiculous process! She was categorized as an unplanned out of hospital birth. To get her birth certificate I needed the following:
1. letter from my doctor confirming my pregnancy with my due date
2. paramedic report stating who cut the cord
3. hospital reports for both me and the baby confirming where/who delivered the placenta
4. 3 different proofs of residency for me, 2 marked before the baby was born and 1 after.
We only have 4 bills and 3 of them in my name.... mail cannot say Mr
and Mrs. it has to have my full name on it. Somehow this is all
supposed to be done within the first 10 days of them being born. I
didn't even receive my packet of information we needed until she was 10
days old and called to get it 3 days after I was home. Once I collected
everything I called to make my appointment and they don't have an
opening until 2 more weeks out (now the baby is 3 weeks old). We went
to our appointment and they were going to say they couldn't
accept my proof of residency because one was listed as mailed out April
1st (2 days after the baby was born!).... I was informed I should have
printed out statements from a couple months back (I thought the whole
point was to show your residency when the baby was born, not months
back). Anyway, after we got her birth certificate I tried to get her social security number so we
can add her to the insurance (she is only covered under me for the first
30 days) I was told we need to have 2 proofs of her name and date of
birth. (I had the packet of paperwork we needed to get her birth
certificate with me and her birth certificate) Since they photocopied
everything for the birth certificate and gave me the copies, not the originals from her
birth certificate application I couldn't get the social security number that day and had to go
back to her pediatrician asking for another letter stating her name,
date of birth, when she was last seen and a signature! She has not had
any shots yet otherwise an immunization record would have been
sufficient as her 2nd form of id. I was just blown away by how complicated they made things! I realize it is to protect babies from being stolen but come on! I could not have stolen a baby and staged a roadside delivery when the paramedic report says she was still physically attached to me when they arrived and they witnessed Greg cutting the cord.
In some other news, Charlotte has been steadily gaining weight. We had her 1 mo weigh in and she is now 7lbs 5oz! She gained a little over two pounds in a month (at the first appointment a couple days after she was born she was only 5lbs 1oz). Click on the video below to see photos from our first month with Charlotte and a BIG thank you to my parents for coming down to help with Lillian!
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