We have had a couple weigh ins for Charlotte and she has gained a ton of weight, gained 8.5 oz in 4 days! So our Pediatrician feels confident in my nursing that we don't have to go back till she is a month old. I must say it is very different this time around, with Lillian being born in Korea I didn't have the breastfeeding support I have here and it really made a difference. Lillian is loving being a big sister and asks to hold the baby, kiss her and love on her everyday. She gets very concerned when she cries (which is not often since I wake her up every 2 hrs to feed her) and goes over to her bed and asks, "what's wrong baby?" or "it's ok baby". Our adjustment from 1 to 2 kids has been relatively easy. I had to wake Lillian every 2 hrs as well when she was a baby which made making a routine/schedule very easy. Now that I'm doing the same with Charlotte I've been able to wake her up the same time as Lillian and plan our days a bit better instead of just waiting for her to feed whenever. I have been letting her wake on her own during the night and find I'm getting more sleep now than when I was pregnant.
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