I had a doctors appointment on Friday to do my glucose testing. It is normally done between 24 and 28 weeks; however, since I'd be in the states we tried to squeeze it in before I left. I tested negative for gestational diabetes and she said my hemoglobin levels were normal. This was the first time she measured my stomach. My doctor doesn't really explain things other than test results or if there is something she is concerned about.... so I don't know what my measurement was and if it's on track. Being in Korea with the humidity I balloon out... I thought she is just supposed to measure how big my uterus was but by the time I went in I was already ballooning out so it seemed like her measurement was more my uterus and my stomach. I'm eager to see if it will be as drastic in the states.
Last week Greg and I also met a doula. A doula is a little different than a midwife in that she does not actually deliver the baby or provide medical care. Rather, a doula would help me with breathing and be more of a support, she would also help me with breastfeeding since it is not a common thing here in Korea. With the newer generation, breastfeeding is becoming more popular but since it is still new most nurses give you very limited guidance. Unfortunately the doula would be more than our delivery! So we are not going that route. Instead we will have one of our mothers come out and I ordered Hypnobabies. Hypnobabies is a relaxation kit/home study that focuses on breathing and relaxation in an awake hypnotic state. Meeting with the doula has also got me thinking about what I want out of the birth experience. To me, the care I'd get at Severance is very similar to what I'd receive in the states; however, once you are admitted and are hooked up to fetal monitoring they typically give you something to increase/progress your contractions. So far I'd like to stay at home as long as possible since my movement will be much more limited once I'm admitted, I'd like a calm environment and I'd love to say I'd try without an epidural but I'm not sure I can. I know my doctor will begin asking me about all of these things when I return from the states.
According to What to Expect When You're Expecting she is gaining about 6 ounces per week. According to my last doctors appointment, I only gained a pound in 3 weeks so I'm right on track and my expanding belly is baby. She has hair but it does not have pigment yet and she now has eyelashes and eyebrows. According to babycenter.com, here is what will be happening with Miss Lillian this coming week:
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