Day 1 of Elimination Communication (we will refer to it as EC from now on) was all about observing and learning patterns. Day 2 we have successfully gone potty (only pee, she hasn't pooped today) while up and I have only changed 2 diapers today...... the first was the over night diaper so I don't really count that as a miss and the other I offered her to go potty before she went to bed and she didn't go so when she woke up she was slightly wet. Her other nap times she woke up completely dry! I am quite amazed by this whole process, I mean it makes sense in the simplest terms. You watch your baby for cues whether that is knowing she goes within the first 5 minutes of waking, 20-30 minutes after breastfeeding or that she gets really still after being pretty active right before she has to pee. With every cue you offer her to go. Right now we are peeing in the sink because she enjoys looking at herself in the mirror, it relaxes her enough to go. Every time I offer I ask, "do you need to pee pee?" and make a pssss sound or when she does pee pee I tell her, "You just pee peed, pssss." Once she begins going on my cue, meaning when I say the words or sounds she goes, then we will try other places like the toilet. I really don't know why I didn't think to do this sooner...... many indigenous countries do a similar technique but may not use words since this bodily function and means of training is just as second nature as our diapering. I am quite enjoying this little challenge.
I also learned Charlotte is ready to transition from a 3 hr feeding schedule to a 4 hour one. She has begun staying up for longer periods of time, usually about an hr and a half stretches instead of her usual hour. I have always woken her to feed her and only on occasion will she beat me to it. I decided to reference my Baby Whisperer book and found 4 months is the time frame they can begin to make the shift and she will be 4 months in a week and a half. This week I feel has been many little milestones for Charlotte. She has discovered her hands and feet (actually she likes being held in the position to potty because her feet are closer to her and she gets to touch them..... I forgot how funny it is to see a baby in a daze over their feet). She is also recently into toys, grabbing, pulling, touching and putting them in her mouth. I also think we will need to move to the velcro swaddles for night time as she has begun rolling onto her side often unwrapping part of her blanket....... I know she enjoys sucking on her hands and she has been doing it more and more. Charlotte is beginning to sit up on her own if in the boppy for support. Granted, she can't do it for long periods of time but she is starting :) If nothing else, my observation times for EC the past couple days have helped me observe Charlotte's milestones. When she was in a diaper I was more apt to feed her and lay her in her bed then go help Lillian with whatever she needed instead of watching or observing her to the same extent I did when Lillian was a baby.
During one of Charlotte's naps today, Lillian and I scrolled through old pictures when she was a baby....... people tell me all the time they look alike and I see it every once in a while but looking at old pictures there is no doubt! Some look like the same baby! Below is Charlotte at 3 months and Lillian at 5 months.