Time seems to be going faster now that I'm out of the morning sickness and pain phase, I'm 25 weeks and over halfway through this pregnancy. This little one is hanging out a LOT lower than Lillian ever did and is much more active too. With Lillian I always had to lay down and wait to feel her, with this little girl I feel her all the time. Since she was so low I was having a lot of back pain starting around 18 weeks, luckily she has moved and it is not nearly as bad. Of course I do still have days where I hurt, usually if I've been walking or standing all day. I feel like I still have quite a bit of time to get ready for her but I have been having some strong nesting urges! Luckily since she is another girl we don't need much, most of my nesting will be pulling out the old baby clothes and rewashing them and putting them away. I have also been wanting to start a knitting project for her like I did for Lillian. I'd like to make something special for each child I have and this time I'm thinking a stuffed musical baby deer since the girls will be sharing a forest themed room. I'm kind of creating my own pattern and have had some trial and error experiences; however, after ripping out my work again I think I've found a pattern I can modify fairly easily to create it.
Just as I did with the last pregnancy, I've been taking weekly belly photos (with the exception of the 2 weeks we were away from home around Christmas and New Years). Here is a little animated clip showing my progress so far. As a comparison, I've also included a side by side shot of my pregnancy with Lillian and this time both at 25 weeks. Lillian is on the left and the new baby is on the right.
I'll be taking maternity photos in a few weeks and am very excited for Greg and Lillian to be part of them this time. You will have to stay tuned to see if we reveal the name in the photos :)
In terms of development, the baby is pretty much fully formed in terms of organs and such. Now she is getting bigger, putting on some weight and her lungs are still maturing. She is about a pound and a half now; about the size of an average rutabaga and should be about 13 1/2 inches long from head to toe. Only 2 more weeks till I'm in the 3rd and final trimester!