I know I'm a bit late posting this month. Lillian had her first doctors appointment and she weighs 10 1/2 lbs. This was the first time they have had me remove all of her clothes to be weighed. Since this was not the usual in Korea we do not have an accurate weight to compare her to. We will return to the doctors next month to confirm she is gaining weight. She has grown 2 inches taller though and they said her head circumference is good.
Breastfeeding seems to have become more challenging now that she is easily distracted. She has begun waking up more during the early morning between 4 and 6am to make up for her short distracted feedings during the day. Her unfinished feedings have lead to clogged ducts; not fun. I am beginning to understand why so many mothers don't breastfeed or stop.... but we will push through.
Lillian has found her hands, sucks on the and stares at them. She recently found her feet too. She has begun rolling over but isn't always doing it consistently. She can roll from her belly to her back and from her back to her belly. She also sits up pretty well as long as she has some kind of support on her back. Can't believe how quick she is growing! :)