Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Smiles, New Noises :)

I think miss Lillian is realizing she can make noises. We think she tries to laugh but it kind of just comes out as a squeal :)

I have been meaning to do this for a while now... below is a motion tween of my belly growth week by week to meet miss Lillian:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

1 month old photos

Visiting with Mema

My mom has been here for a week so far and we have had a few outings. Below are pictures of her visit:

Gym time

Friday, November 12, 2010

I made Lillian a little pixie hat since most of the other hats were too big for her. This one has a strap to keep it on which is very helpful when she is in the moby wrap.

tummy time

First milestones

Lillian has been tracking things with her eyes, she can see better and can now follow objects if they are close enough in front of her. This is her first developmental milestone! We have also begun working on her second milestone of lifting her head up. During our activity time we have been having tummy time where she is placed on her tummy to help build her neck muscles. I find she lifts her head more when tummy time is on top of my tummy but she still lifts her head when she is on the floor too. Usually for activity time we do a little on her tummy and then a little in her gym. This month we are also working on helping her identify her hands by placing objects in them and then bringing them closer to her eyes. Apparently she is already putting things in her mouth! You can see her bring the lion rattle up to her mouth in the pictures.

First Doctor's appointment

Lillian had her first doctors appointment on Wed. and she did very well... actually slept through most of it. At her appointment she was weighed and measured and is now 8lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long! So she gained just shy of 3 lbs and grew 2 inches in a month! She got one shot this visit and did well, she only cried for a second and I actually think it was more because I was holding her leg while she was trying to sleep. The next visit though, she will get four. The doctor checked her out and said she is looking good!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I can't believe Lillian is already 4 weeks old! We have started a routine and she is sleeping in 4 hr stretches throughout the night most nights. We have been following the routine as described in the book The Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg. Lillian is still a hard sleeper so I have to wake her up every 3 hrs to eat to make sure she will sleep through the night. She has been breastfeeding with success now; however, we had a rough start. Lillian is more wakeful during the day, often awake for an hour for feeding and some play time and then takes a two hour nap. We repeat the process throughout the day and then she gets two cluster feedings in the evening where she is fed every 2 hours and gets put right back to bed. She gets one final feed between 10 and 11pm but she is asleep for that feed. This helps her sleep throughout the night and she usually only wakes up between 2 and 3am. As her tummy continues to grow she will be able to eat more she will not need the early morning feed. She can grasp very well and she is working on building her neck muscles and raises her head when she is on her tummy.

We had to get a second professional photo for her Korean visa this week. Although we have additional copies of the first photo, the Korean visa takes a different size and we didn't realize that when we took the first ones. This time I held her and it seemed to work much better. Seeing both pictures, I realize how awesome of a shot we got the first time.

This week Greg took care of Lillian one afternoon while I went to a doctors appointment. When I got home, this is what I found:

Seems she wore him out but is wide awake herself!

After another feeding, she was so tired from our outing to take the photo for the visa that she fell asleep propped up on my leg. I only set her there for a second so I could get her blanket ready but by the time I finished she was out!

Friday, November 5, 2010