This past week I've been having more contractions and cramping. They were very different than what they have been before; they tended to start in my back and would wrap around to the front. I was supposed to get a cervical check at my doctors appointment this week; however, my doctor was busy with deliveries so another doctor came down to finish up her appointments. Unfortunately since they don't have malpractice insurance here the doctor didn't do anything they were supposed to be doing at this appointment; a cervical check or my group B strep culture. So, I have to wait until next week to see where I'm at. I've been doing a lot of walking lately to try to bring her down and it seems to be working, she feels a lot lower, pressing on my cervix and hips most of the time. I really didn't think it was possible to waddle more than I already do but Greg says I am.
According to, here is what's going on with Lillian this week: